Martijn Kets
Psychotherapy Practice
As a specialized gestalt and relationship therapist I help people and relationships develop in work and private. Besides individual and couples therapy I also provide supervision, training & coaching to professionals. Mijn Psychotherapy practice in Utrecht/Leidsche Rijn is easily accessible by car and public transport.
Develop yourself
Get in motion by looking at yourself, your situation, relationships or past. Find answers to personal questions. Learn to think and deal with situations and people differently.
Growing together or saying goodbye?
Relationship therapy is about making a joint story about how you got stuck and at the same time it is the start for a new experience and relationship with each other.
Het vergt durf om met persoonlijke vraagstukken aan de slag te gaan. Daarbij hulp te vragen betekent voor mij dat je jezelf, je relatie en de kwaliteit van je leven (samen) serieus neemt. Als therapeut zal ik je zo goed mogelijk begeleiden.
Contact us directly or more information
Would you like direct contact or more info? Call the number below or send us a message via the form on this page. I will contact you as soon as possible.